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NOVEMBER 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 POLIQUIN'S 6/12 METHODIThe 6-12 method, popularized once again by elite strength coach Charles Poliquin, facilitates an environment to drastically improve your potential of making some serious gains.
The 6-12 method is where you do two exercises in a row for the same muscle group using minimal rest between those exercises. This is an "Agonist Superset." First Exercise: Use a heavier weight for 6 reps. Rest 10 seconds, then do the second exercise. Second Exercise: Use a moderate weight for 12 reps. Rest 2-3 mins before restarting the next round. Both exercises should be relatively challenging, aiming to fall into a range of 2-3 Reps in Reserve. The reps explained. 6 REPS: On the first exercise, you do 6 reps, but it's not a true 6RM (rep max) weight. It should be more like a 8-9RM load. Heavy, yes, but not taken to failure. 12 REPS: Most people think of 8-12 reps as hypertrophy work, but it's potentiated by the first relatively heavy exercise in this scenario. That's why you'll experience higher levels of stress induced on the muscle & overall body , which decreases your ability to push loading the way you would if this was a stand-alone exercise. But don't worry. The trainability will actually be higher, and because you're using lighter than normal loads, your movement proficiency will be improved. Keeping a higher volume of work is important, but we also want to ensure that we maintain its life to be short, so it does not incur more fatigue than is necessary for what we want to produce. With the Reduction of those 25 rep sets this upcoming month, we are doing just that. Why is it so effective? The 6/12 method is so effective because you get to perform 2 completely different rep ranges within one "Superset." Performing low (6), and moderate (12) reps let’s us take our muscles through various rep ranges, introducing them to stimuli that we may have not previously bought them to. By also doing this, we are able to maximize mechanical tension by driving higher intensity for a prescribed muscle group in an efficient manner. In turn, we are pulling the strongest lever we have to induce muscle hypertrophy, whilst also improving our muscular strength in other degrees. Mechanical tension is a fancy way of describing how much force your muscles have to produce during a set. When you are lifting a really heavy weight the mechanical tension on your muscles is extremely high. The first part of the 6/12 superset is just heavy enough to maximize mechanical tension on a variety your muscles through the compound movement. Whereas that 12 rep set, will ensure we are filling our muscles 'classroom' with the highest threshold motor units we can on a specific muscle in that grouping.
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SEPTEMBER 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 THE TEXAS METHODThe history of the Texas Method.
Strength coaches, Mark Rippetoe and Glenn Pendlay are to credit for this routine. It is said that this routine came originally from Glenn Pendlay's athletes becoming bored with the standard 5x5 three times weekly. As a response, Pendlay said to his athletes "If you hit a 1x5 personal record on Friday, you don't need to do five sets total; you can just stick to one set on Friday and go home," from there the idea was born. "MANY PEOPLE HAVE TWEAKED THE SETS AND REPS, AND TIME AFTER TIME THEY COME BACK TO 5 SETS OF 5 REPS AS THE BEST DRIVER OF LONG-TERM PROGRESS." - MARK RIPPETOE The Texas Method has you training three days per week. Each day is considered a full body workout, where you will squat and do upper body. Monday is the highest volume day of the week, Wednesday is considered a light day, and Friday has the heaviest weights, considered to be the "intensity day." Monday - Volume Day Wednesday - Light/Recovery Day Friday - Intensity Day The key to the Texas Method is not workout-to-workout progress, but rather weekly progress. You are trying to progress on your Monday and Friday lifts. Once you have accomplished the prescribed lifts, increase the weight for the next week. Typical progression is about 5-10 pound increases weekly. Over time, this compounds into considerable progress at the intermediate stage. Tips for the Texas Method
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What is Cluster Training? Cluster Training involves utilizing short intra-set rest periods (usually ranging between 10-30 seconds), we will be using 15 seconds, which will act to allow us to perform more reps with a heavier weight. How do you do Cluster Training? With cluster training, the design is all about the rest between reps, rather than between sets. There are a number of ways you can set up cluster training, but the most important principle of this training methodology lies in the short rest intervals between reps, or multiples of reps. Make sure you re-rack the bar when you rest, and utilize the entirety of the rest period - both during and after your set. We're going to get our reps in then rest. Get another rep in then rest. And then get one more rep and rest. And that will make up one set. This work-to-rest program design is called intra-set rest and has a lot more rest between reps. Why do we need more rest? Because rest allows us to lift more weight and hit higher tonnages in a training block. Tonnage is a term that quantifies overall load used during a period of time. Tonnage = Weight X Reps X Sets Tonnage has been used for decades as a qualifier for national and international levels in weightlifting. Theoretically, if a person can accumulate a higher total of weight in a period of time, they should be able to compete at a higher level, become much stronger. WE CAN DO 10 SETS OF 10 TO ACHIEVE MORE MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES, LIKE BODY COMPOSITION OR HYPERTROPHY. OR WE CAN UTILIZE 10 SETS OF 3 TO ACHIEVE MORE NEURONAL CHANGES; SUCH AS, POWER AND FORCE PRODUCTION. HYPERTROPHY FOCUSED CLUSTER: 5(3x3) 15 sec w/ 6RM In this set up you're going to do 3 mini sets consisting of 3 reps, with a 6RM. This will allow you to do 9 total reps with a 6RM, and skew the training effect more towards gaining muscular mass aka hypertrophy. POWER FOCUSED CLUSTER: 4(4x2) 10 sec w/ 5RM In this set up, you'll do 4 total cluster (the first number), and each cluster is going to consist of 4 mini sets of 2 reps (the bracketed numbers). You're going to rest 10 seconds in between each mini set, and you're going to use around your 5RM load.
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OCTOBER 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 POLIQUIN'S 6/12/25It may just be the fastest way to get ripped without getting skinny. 6/12/25, popularized by the Strength Sensei, Charles Poliquin facilitates massive lactate spikes, facilitating Growth Hormone production. That means fat loss while sparing muscle mass.
The 6/12/25 method is where you do three exercises in a row for the same muscle group using minimal rest between those exercises. This is referred to as a “GIANT SET.” First Exercise: Use a heavier weight for 6 reps. Rest 10 seconds, then do the second exercise. Second Exercise: Use a moderate weight for 12 reps. Rest 10 seconds, then do the third exercise. Third Exercise: Use a lighter weight for 25 reps. Rest a few minutes and repeat. The reps explained. 6 REPS On the first exercise, you do 6 reps, but it’s not a true 6RM (rep max) weight. It should be more like a 8-10RM load, Heavy, yes, but not taken to failure. 12 REPS Most people think of 8-12 reps as hypertrophy work, but it’s potentiatied by the first relatively heavy exercise in this scenario. That’s why you‘ll experience higher levels of metabolic stress, which decreases your ability to push loading the way you would if this was a stand-alone exercise. But don’t worry. The trainability will actually be higher, and because you’re using lighter than normal loads, your movement proficiency will be improved. 25 REPS Strength-endurance requires repeated bursts of high-intensity efforts. It’s a maximal force of power production, and you usually hear about it in relation to sports. In our case, it’s important because it’s coming at the tail-end of this giant set. This means potentiation and metabolic stress are higher but so is the onset of fatigue, which means you’ll likely be using a much lighter load than normal. Some may see this as a detriment but think of it as something that improves the aerobic abilities of fast-twitch muscle fibers. "To avoid plateaus, you need to switch up your training. The 6/12/25 method is an excellent tool for that, offering a mix of mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscle damage." - Charles Poliquin Why is it so effective? Poliquin’s 6/12/25 is so effective because you get to perform 3 completely different rep ranges within one “giant set.” Performing low (6), moderate (12), and high (25) reps lets you maximize the 3 different biological triggers for muscular hypertrophy:
Mechanical tension is a fancy way of describing how much force your muscles have to produce during a set. When you are lifting a really heavy weight the mechanical tension on your muscles is extremely high. The first part of the 6/12/25 giant set is just heavy enough to maximize mechanical tension on your muscles. First off, muscle damage is not bad. When you lift weights you actually create micro-tears in your muscles when they fatigue. These micro-tears are a form of muscle damage and act as a powerful stimulus for muscle growth. 6/12/25 creates an enormous amount of muscle damage in your target muscles. First of all you are performing three exercises in a row. The prolonged time under tension creates even more muscle damage which stimulates even more muscle growth. Metabolic fatigue is just a fancy way of saying that your muscles are “burning” from the accumulation of lactic acid. As a general rule of thumb higher reps and shorter rest periods are ideal for maximizing metabolic fatigue. Metabolic fatigue plays a huge role in building muscle mass and losing body fat which makes 6/12/25 a clear winner when you want to improve your body composition.
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JULY 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 GIRONDA'S 8x8With summer quickly approaching, we're shifting gears with our strength training. We're shifting into an accumulation block focused on volume, body composition ad work capacity. We're simplifying the programming for strength and drill the fundamentals utilizing Gironda's 8x8. You'll learn to appreciate how proper strength training can have different effects on your body depending how you adjust your set and rep ranges.
How to perform Gironda's 8x8 Workout Similar to 10x10 or German Volume Training, you begin with 60% 1RM in a given lift (compound movements preferred), and perform 8x8 with 15-30 seconds of rest. This method can be applied for up to four different movements per workout. Anything more than that would completely shock your body. If you remember German Volume Training and how you felt completing those workouts, the 8x8 may give you some PTSD and traumatize you even more because it's fast with no time for breaks. This strength block is all about training volume. You'll be performing traditional strength training compound movements with controlled tempos but the training intensity will feel like you're running a marathon due to the short rest intervals. You'll be lifting weights and your Myzones will look like you're running sprints which do wonders for metabolic training and fat loss aka shredzzz.
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The French Contrast Method (FCM) is a training program that combines resistance training and plyometrics exercises to improve athletic performance. The goal is to help the central nervous system recruit more muscle fibers during athletic movements, which can lead to greater force development, movement velocity, and power production. The French contrast method is built around two different training methods: Complex Training and Contrast Training.Complex Training Complex training involves two exercises performing a heavy compound exercise followed by a plyometric exercise miming the same movement pattern. Contrast Training Contrast training also uses two exercises. The first exercise is the same as complex training using a maximal load. However, unlike complex training, the second exercise is a drop set performed at 50-70% of the first exercise’s rep max. Rest between the exercises is about 1-2 minutes, and two to three minutes between each set.The French Contrast Method The concept was first and foremost grasped by French track & field coach Gilles Cometti, and then it was widely popularized by Cal Dietz, the Head Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach for numerous sports at the University of Minnesota. The general overview of how it works. Each set involves:
All four exercises belong in the same set and represent a similar movement pattern like pushing, pulling, squatting, hinging, and so on. They should be performed in this exact order, taking only a few seconds of rest between each one. The totality of these movements is designed to involve the whole strength-speed/speed-strength spectrum. An example of movement pattern you will see this block: 1. Trap Bar Dead Lift at 80% 2. Banded Bear Crawl 3. DB Jump Lunge 4. Explosive Broad Jumps The French Contrast Method was created to improve and boost power endurance and explosive speed. If you are unfamiliar with complex or contrast training, do those programs before you try French Contrast Method. FCM is taxing and challenging, so if your nerves and muscles don’t know how to harness PAP, you won’t get maximal results or do it correctly. So let’s switch things up and tap in to you inner athlete and get after it! Elbadry N, Hamza A, Pietraszewski P, Alexe DI, Lupu G. Effect of the French Contrast Method on Explosive Strength and Kinematic Parameters of the Triple Jump Among Female College Athletes. J Hum Kinet. 2019 Oct 18;69:225-230. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0047. PMID: 31666904; PMCID: PMC6815088. Long, Michael & Fee, Chris & Taber, Christopher. (2022). The French Contrast Method-Theory and Application. 9. 18-25.
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MAY 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 THE 3/7 METHODYay GVT is over!!
Now it is time to enter our 2nd strength intensification block, The 3/7 Method. It combines relatively heavy weight or mechanical stress with very short rest periods causing increased metabolic stress. This program is designed to maximize gains in muscular strength while focusing on progressively increasing the intensity of the exercises performed. This will involve lifting heavier weights, reducing rest intervals between sets, or incorporating advanced training techniques. The goal is to create a challenging stimulus that pushes the muscles to adapt and grow stronger. Strength intensification blocks are strategically implemented to break through plateaus, enhance neuromuscular efficiency, and promote hypertrophy, ultimately leading to improved overall strength levels. The precise details of a strength intensification block can vary depending on the specific program or training philosophy being followed. What is The 3/7 Method? The 3/7 method is a high-volume, metabolically driven training protocol that has been shown to increase both strength and muscle mass. You are going to choose a weight representing about ~72% of your 1RM for the exercise selections. That usually equates to a weight you can do around 12 reps with. Do 3 reps. Rest 15 seconds. Do 4 reps. Rest 15 seconds. Do 5 reps. Rest 15 seconds. Do 6 reps. Rest 15 seconds. Do 7 reps. Rest 150 seconds (two and a half minutes). Repeat all the steps for a total of 3 times. Why use 3/7 Method? In study conducted by Stragier et al., study investigated the efficacy of a The 3/7 Method and traditional 8×6 training method on strength gain, hypertrophy, and neuromuscular fatigability. The 3/7 method consisting of five sets of an increasing number of repetitions (3 to 7) during successive sets and brief inter-set intervals (15 s) was repeated two times after 150 s of recovery and compared to a method consisting of eight sets of six repetitions with an inter-set interval of 150 s known as the 8 × 6 method. At the conclusion of the study, they found The 3/7 method provides a better stimulus for strength gain and muscle hypertrophy than the 8 × 6 method. The idea behind the 3/7 Method is to build muscle strength and hypertrophy in less time compared to more traditional strength training programs.
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APRIL 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 GERMAN VOLUME TRAINING 10x10Congratulations! We have officially completed our Q1 strength and performance block. The heights of your hard work and consistency were displayed at our first and overwhelmingly successful KING Combine. In total, 26 participants across all 3 gym locations lifted a combined 23,353 pounds! Your progress is only beginning. April 1st, we will be starting our second Accumulation block of 2024 with our gym favorite: German Volume Training (GVT). Our goal is to reset our central nervous systems (more to come), build muscle, and decrease body fat.
German Volume Training is a weightlifting program known for its high volume and intensity. Here are five benefits of GVT with a 10×10 rep scheme:
Additionally, we will be adding variable tempo schemes to all 10×10 lifts. Thus, improving strength, control, and stability at each and every portion of the movement. Please reach out to any of the KING Strength & Performance coaches for additional questions and insights. Good luck! See you all in class.
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MARCH 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 BILL STARR'S 5x5Our first Realization Block of 2024 is here, and we will be introducing a staff favorite, Bill Starr’s 5×5 strength program. This program is renowned for its effectiveness in promoting significant gains in strength and muscle mass. This time-tested and well-regarded training approach is built on a foundation of five sets of five repetitions across compound exercises (squats, many many squats). The perfect way to prepare for our first ever KING Combine at the end of the month.The program offers several notable benefits:
In summary, Bill Starr’s 5×5 strength program offers a well-rounded and efficient approach to building strength and muscle mass. Its adaptability, emphasis on fundamental movements, and proven track record make it a valuable choice for individuals looking to achieve tangible and sustainable results in their strength training journey.
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FEBRUARY 2024 - STRENGTH BLOCK11/13/2024 DESCENDING REPS PROTOCOLIn February, we will be starting with our first Intensification block of 2024. The program is designed to maximize gains in muscular strength while focusing on progressively increasing the intensity of the exercises performed. This may involve lifting heavier weights, reducing rest intervals between sets, or incorporating advanced training techniques. The goal is to create a challenging stimulus that pushes the muscles to adapt and grow stronger. Strength intensification blocks are strategically implemented to break through plateaus, enhance neuromuscular efficiency, and promote hypertrophy, ultimately leading to improved overall strength levels.The precise details of a strength intensification block can vary depending on the specific program or training philosophy being followed.
What are descending reps? The Descending Reps Protocol is a conventional pyramid strategy that will start with the highest and end with the lowest number of reps. Descending reps are sets of decreasing reps with the same weight, until a total number of reps are completed. Why use descending reps? A descending rep protocol will allow you to complete the most difficult sets while at your freshest state. Thus, you will be able to complete the same January ladder (36 total reps) at a much higher intensity and 1RM percentage.Thus, your starting intensity and weight percentages will be 78% of your 1RM. Additionally, you will be able to further maximize your secondary movements due to changes in peak fatigue throughout your main compound barbell movements. Other than the Descending Reps Protocol of 8, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4 reps, your follow up primary movements will continue to be full sets of 8 reps. As with any Intensification block, seeing higher percentages and weight in your TrainHeroic App may be intimidating. However, this is the next stage and building block of your lifetime of fitness. January laid a sturdy foundation, and now it’s time to build. Ideally, we manage the intensity throughout the four weeks in order to last and be consistent throughout the entire training block. In this way we get the most from the set/rep/tempo/exercise scheme. We can accomplish this by listening to the collected metrics, and making necessary adjustments. This is important because we are simplifying the program while monitoring rates of fatigue. With the Descending Reps Protocol, we are aiming to use more weight. Unless you’ve used a weight that was too light in your initial session, refrain from increasing weights outside of the prescribed percentages of your TrainHeroic app in a single session. Stick to the program. The Best programs are simple, not easy– in case you missed it last time. Push hard, listen to the metrics, and listen to your body. Now is not the time to take your foot off the pedal–February is the time to turn January resolutions into lifestyles. |